
"A WARM Virtuous Night"

Laurels, the cold weather has caused the Bishop to take pity on you (us). Last night he arranged for us to sleep in the lower level of the lodge at Mutual Dell rather than under the stars in between 2 mountains. The new place will also allow us to have bathrooms vs. having to bare our bums in the freezing cold. You can now rest easy, and tell your moms to rest easy, about the whole getting sick thing. I still recommend dressing warm; layering your clothes, scarves, hats, mittens. We will be out side for our camp fire dinner and fireside (unless it's unbearable- we do not wish torture you). You will also still want warm sleeping gear (bag, blankets, pillow, pad) for I think the dell is heated by fireplace. I am sad we won't have the adventure of back- packing in somewhere and sleeping under the stars, but I am happy to know that we will all be sleeping more snugly.
Also, plan on dinner, dessert, hot chocolate, and breakfast. If you want to bring additional snacks or hot drinks, or even games - feel free!!! We will still have you home by 9ish tomorrow morning. However, you do not need to meet until 5:45 (SHARP) at my house.
Please also see the packing list below.
Love you, see you tonight!

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