
"A Virtuous Night" - Laurel Camp Out

I have only been home for a few hours and I'm dying to share our fabulous time. First, I have to thank all of the girls who came for rearranging your plans and sacrificing a Friday. There were many of us worried about the cold - luckily the Brethren had a wonderful backup plan that worked out to be quite nice. The weather was even nice. I am so thankful there were so many able to attend and that we were are all safe and warm! Thank you to the Bishopric for putting this together, for the delicious hot dinner we were served upon our arrival and for the roaring fire!

Here are the pictures and the breakdown of the night...

We arrived just time for a warm dutch oven dinner and rolls. We then hung out by the fire and visited. Some of the girls were stalked by a death-like lady who was after them with her empty rubbermaid! We made rollo biscuits and then sang a few songs. Kati opened our fireside with a prayer then I spoke to the girls about virtue. (I took my thoughts from Sister Elaine Dalton's CES fireside, it can be found at http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?locale=0&sourceId=e8c8252089881210VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=43d031572e14e110VgnVCM1000003a94610aRCRD ) Following my remarks the Bishop led a wonderful discussion on testimonies and virtue. Good counsel was given and spirit was present. Many testimonies and thoughts were shared. All the girls received gold scarves which they were able to wave "as an Ensign to the nation" representing their commitment to "return to virtue."

After the fireside we nestled in the lodge, unpacked the goodies, and got some card games started. Those who did not play cards filmed a documentary -which I have yet to see - but have been told that it will be posted soon. As we entered into the wee hours of the night, one by one everyone crawled into their beds and went to sleep. Not to my surprise Shlebie and Mireya were the last to go to bed.

Thank you, Sis. Rachel and Sis. Linda, for taking time away from your families (and reunions) to accompany the Laurel's on their fun outing. Thank you for sharing you testimonies and thougts.
Thank you Bishopric for planning this for us and for worrying about us being warm and safe. Thank you for the wonderful counsel you shared with the YW and for the evident love you have for them. Parents, thanks for making arrangements, changing plans, and allowing your daughters to go. It was a fun filled night and I surely hope every one's glad they came. I also hope that all of you felt something that will help you return and maintain your precious virtue.

Love you.

Amy, Kristen, Cassie, and Rachel we missed you!!! We wish it were possible that you could have been there!

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