
Winer Campout

What a camp out! Had a blast!


Basketball Schedule Revisions

Just wanted to further bring your attention to the revised version of the Basketball schedule- it's on the right side of the screen. Please, all of those that are able to come, COME. We'd love to see you there!



Don't forget to sign up for the new LDS Family Search account. It is amazing how much there is for you to learn and see. We'd like to get every girl on there!
Just go online to new.familysearch.org and use the membership number off of your temple recommend. It takes 2 min. or less. please do it ASAP and contact your class president.

Watch out

Carrie got her driver's permit! Good job Carrie! Be looking out on the streets for her!

State Drill Team!

Lea made the State Drill Team! She was one of the 15 girls to make it! No suprize- she's amazing. We love you Lea! Good job!

YW Overnighter

Is this Friday! We are staying in the lower lodge were it is warm, so don't worry about making/bringing a burrito thing or else you will ROAST. Just bring a sleeping bag, a treat OR a 2 liter bottle of something delicious (soda), and whatever else you need. Dinner and breakfast will be provided. Entertainment will be provided by eachother as it gets later into the night and we are all acting.... strange :D. We will be playing games (with prizes I heard...) and sledding so bring snow clothes and your favorite sled! Don't forget a camera! *Wink wink
All those who are playing in the basketball game the next day, we are going straight from our overnighter to the game. Just bring your basketball clothes.
And if you have sleds like these →
you should bring them... :D

Sports Schedule

There is a new page element at the side of the page just for the schedule of ALL of our games! It will do both volleyball and basketball. (Seeing that they are at completely different times :D) Right now it is basketball. If you want to join, contact Amy or email me at mm1ywblog@gmail.com. We'd LOVE to have you there! We always have so much fun!